Conference presentation: Liker, M.: Electropalatographic analysis of vowels in quasi-spontaneous speech, Challenges in analysis and processing of spontaneous speech, CAPSS2017, Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 May 2017,, photo credit: CAPSS2017 team

Conference presentation: Liker, M., Vidović Zorić, A.: Govorne pogreške i izgovorne geste: elektropalatografsko istraživanje (Speech errors and articulatory gestures: an electropalatographic investigation), CALS 2018 (Language and Mind), 32nd International conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 3-5 May 2018,
Conference presentation: Kantoci, E., Marijić, M., Bukovčan, L, Liker, M.: Elektropalatografsko istraživanje asimilacija: kategorijalnost i stupnjevitost (Electropalatographic investigation of assimilation: categorical or gradient), CALS 2018 (Language and Mind), 32nd International conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 3-5 May 2018,
Conference presentation: Carović, I.: Razlika u varijabilnosti hrvatskih vokala u značenjskim i beznačenjskim riječima: ultrazvučno istraživanje (Difference in variability of Croatian vowels in real and nonsense words: an ultrasound investigation), CALS 2018 (Language and Mind), 32nd International conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 3-5 May 2018,

Conference presentation: Liker, M.: Tongue-to-palate contact patterns and variability of Croatian vowels, ICPLA 2018, 17th International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Conference Association Conference, Malta, 23-25 October 2018,

On the left: Jim Scobbie from QMU Edinburgh “presenting” our poster 😮
Breaking news from Malta: Prof. Vesna Mildner elected the President of the International Phonetics and Linguistics Association (ICPLA)! 🙂
Paper: Mildner, V. (2018). Aspects of coarticulation. In Gosy, M. & Graczi, T. E. (Eds.) Challenges in analysis and processing of spontaneous speech. Budapest: Research Institute for Linguistics & Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 27-48.
Paper: Liker, M. (2018). Electropalatographic analysis of vowels in quasi-spontaneous speech: a preliminary investigation. The Phonetician, 115, 5-22.
Invited talk: Liker, M.: Coarticulation: things we don’t know about speech / Koartikulacija: što sve ne znamo o govoru. Phonetics section of the Croatian philological association, Zagreb, 14th April 2019.
Conference presentation: Deželjin, M., Glavor, R., Kolarić, D., Košković, L., Liker, M.: Elektropalatografska i ultrazvučna analiza apikalnih i laminalnih frikativa u hrvatskom (Electropalatographic and ultrasonic analysis of Croatian apical and laminal fricatives), CALS 2019 (Meaning in Language), 33rd International conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 16-18 May 2019,
Conference presentation: Vidović Zorić, A.: Elektropalatografsko istraživanje koartikulacije u kontaktu frikativa i laterala (Electropalatographic investigation of coarticulation in fricative+lateral clusters), CALS 2019 (Meaning in Language), 33rd International conference, Rijeka, Croatia, 16-18 May 2019,

Conference presentation: Liker, M., Vidović Zorić, A., Zharkova, N., Gibbon, F. E.: Ultrasound analysis of postalveolar and palatal affricates in Croatian: A case of neutralisation, ICPhS 2019, 19th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 August 2019,
Conference presentation: Volenec, V., Liker, M.: Continuancy in nasal place assimilation: An electropalatographic study, ICPhS 2019, 19th International Conference of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 5-9 August 2019,

Paper: Liker, M., Vidović Zorić, A., Zharkova, N., Gibbon, F. (2019): Ultrasound analysis of postalveolar and palatal affricates in Croatian: a case of neutralisation, In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (3666-3670).
Paper: Volenec, V., Liker, M (2019): Continuancy in nasal place assimilation: An electropalatographic study, In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (1982-1986).
Paper: Tomić, D., Mildner, V. (2019). Phoneme awareness task – measure of quality of phonological represenatations, In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (2538-2542).
Conference announcement: Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,
Coarticulation is one of the highlighted topics.
Invited speakers:
Jonathan Harrinton – Ludwig Maximilian University, Munchen, Germany
Natalia Zharkova – Newcastle University, UK
Alan Wrench – Queen Margaret University and
Articulate Instruments, Edinburgh, UK
Invited talk: Liker, M.: Što je temeljna govorna jedinica? / What is basic unit of speech production?, Zagreb linguistic circle / Zagrebački lingvistički krug, Zagreb, 12 November 2019
Conference presentation, Invited keynote presentation: Zharkova, N.: Child speech development and lingual articulatory constraints, Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,
Conference presentation: Dobrić, A., Mildner, V., Liker, M.: Identifikacija slušnog statusa govornika na temelju spontanog govora / Hearing status identification on the basis of spontaneous speech, Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,
Conference presentation: Carović, I., Mildner, V., Dobrić, A.: Ultrazvučno istraživanje utjecaja naglašenog i nenaglašenog sloga na hrvatske vokale / The influence of stress on the quality of Croatian vowels: ultrasound research, Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,
Conference presentation: Zvonar, K., Liker, M.: Koartikulacijski procesi u učenju stranog jezika / Coarticulation processes in foreign language learning, Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,
Conference presentation: Vidović Zorić, A., Liker, M.: Elektropalatografsko istraživanje koartikulacijskih procesa pri kontaktu frikativa i laterala / Electropalatographic investigation of coarticulation in fricative-lateral clusters, Speech research 2019 / Istraživanja govora 2019, 5-7 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia,

Invited talk: Liker, M.: Basic units of speech production: kinematic evidence from Croatian, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18 March 2020 *POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*
Paper: Munivrana Dervišbegović, B., Mildner, V. (2020). N400 and short speech stimuli. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 34 (1-2), 21-28.
Conference presentation: Liker, M.: Jezični i nejezični obrasci kretanja jezika: ultrazvučni dokazi iz hrvatskog / Language-specific and language-universal patterns of tongue motion: ultrasonic evidence from Croatian, CALS2020 (Linguistic and Extralinguistic in Interaction), *POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*, held ONLINE, Split 24-26 September 2020,
Conference presentation: Vidović Zorić, A; Liker, M.: Koartikulacijski utjecaji u neposrednom kontaktu hrvatskog velarnog frikativa i dentoalveloarnog okluziva / Coarticulatory effects in the immediate contact of Croatian velar fricative and dental-alveolar stop , CALS2020 (Linguistic and Extralinguistic in Interaction), *POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*, held ONLINE, Split 24-26 September 2020,
Conference presentation: Kolarić, D.; Liker, M.: Lingual coarticulation in voiced and voiceless postalveolar fricatives in cochlear implant users: EPG evidence from Croatian, Beszédkutatás – Speech Research 2020, held ONLINE, Budapest 14-15 December 2020 Conference web

Conference meeting on EPG: 7th International EPG Symposium: EPG in research and clinical practice, Osaka University, Japan, 24 January 2021.
Participants: Keiko Asano, Yuri Fujiwara, Fiona Gibbon, Toko Hayakawa, Yukari Iguchi, Ako Imamura, Masato Kaku, Shotoku Kojima, Satoshi Kouzato, Alice Lee, Marko Liker, Tetuya Nakamura, Yuko Ogata, Shohei Okumura, Kathryn Patrick, Hiroe Saito, Yosiko Takei, Masahiro Tetuka, Miho Uchiyama, Kana Yamaji, Ichiro Yamamoto, Yukimi Yasuhara
Topics: Research and therapy with EPG during the COVID-19 pandemic; The future of EPG in research and clinical practice
Conference meeting presentation: Liker, M.: The use of EPG during the pandemics and beyond, 7th EPG Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 24 January 2021.
Paper: Vidović Zorić, A.; Liker, M. (2020). Speech errors and articulatory gestures: an electropalatographic investigation, Suvremena lingvistika, 46(90), 205-222. Journal web
Conference panel session: Scobbie, J. M.; Loyd, S.; Liker, M.; Lee, A.; Cleland, J.: Active and passive, place and manner: traditional articulatory concepts in instrumental studies of articulatory spaces, targets, dynamics and errors, (Panel presentation: Liker, M.: Global kinematic patterns in atypical speech), ICPLA2020 (International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association), to be held in Glasgow, UK 1-4 September 2020, *POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*, held ONLINE, Glasgow, UK 22-25 June 2021, Conference web
Conference presentation: Liker, M.; Zvonar, K.: Pivots in tongue movement in cochlear implant users, ICPLA2020(International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association), to be held in Glasgow, UK 1-4 September 2020, *POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19*, held ONLINE, Glasgow, UK 22-25 June 2021, Conference web
Networking meeting: Final project meeting will be held online on 30 June 2021. Meeting will be hosted at the Department of Phonetics in Zagreb. Its main goal is to evaluate the project, discuss contributions and plan continuation of research activities. We look forward to contributions from our researchers, consultants and other affiliates on the project.
Participants: Ines Carović 1, Arnalda Dobrić 1, Fiona E. Gibbon 2, Marko Liker 1, Vesna Mildner 1,4, Ana Vidović Zorić 1, Veno Volenec 3 and Karla Zvonar 1,5.
1 University of Zagreb, Croatia; 2 University College Cork, Ireland; 3 Concordia University, Canada; 4 President of ICPLA; 5 Neuroth hearing aids
Innovative CROCO: Multichannel database for analysis of global kinematic patterns during speech (CROCO) will be included in the official university Innovation and Patent Catalogue for 2021. This is a special year for innovation in Zagreb, because 2021 is the Year of innovation at the University of Zagreb. This is great news for the project. Catalogue web