Office: B 319
Phone: 4092 098
Office hours: Mon 11-12
Professor emeritus Damir Horga was born in Zagreb in 1938. At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencies at Zagreb University he graduated in English language and literature and Russian language and literature in 1967. He got his master’s degree in phonetics in 1974. and doctor’s degree in phonetics in 1987.
He was teaching Russian language (1963-1965) at The School for Interpreters at the Facullte Politechnique in Mons (Belgium). After that at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencies at
Zagreb University he was assistent at the Institute of Phonetics (1966-1979), and then at the Department of Phonetics assistent (1979-1986), docent (1988-1989), assistent professor (1989-1996), ordinary professor (1996-2001) and permanent ordinary professor from 2001. until his retirement in 2009. In 2012. he was honoured as professor emeritus at Zagreb University. At the Department of Phonetics he taught Articulatory Phonetics, General Phonetics, Foreign language teaching, Neurophonetics, Phonetic transcription and Measurement of Speech Abilities. He also taught phonetics at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciencies and at Faculty of Medicine at Zagreb University and at postgraduate study of linguistics, language teaching and phoniatry. He was teaching Methodology courses in Audiovisual Global and Structural method of teaching foreign languages and verbotonal method of rehabilitation of speech and hearing in Coatia, Ex-Yugoslavia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium. He also participated as a teacher at School of Rhetorics Ivo Škarić.
He was reshearcher in Croatian and international scientific projects and the maim researcher in some of them sponsored by the Croatian Ministry of Sciencies: The methodology of research of professional language in university education, Pragmatics of natural languages, Articulatory and neurolinguistics description of speech production and Production and perception of speech. He is the author of scientific books Processing of the phonetic information and Articulatory phonetics (Marko Liker was co-author in the second one). He published about hundred scientific articles and certain number of professional papers and textbooks for high school and university teaching of foreign languages. He was the author of educational programs of Radio Zagreb. He participated at numerous scientific and professional congresses and conferences in phonetics, psycholinguistics and applied linguistics in the country and abroad in the field of phonetics, psycholinguistics and applied linguistics. He lectured at the Universities of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Torunj and Washovi (Poland), Moscow (Russia). He was guest at universities in Peterburg, Moskow and Los Angeles.
He is the member of Croatian and international professional and scientific associations (Croatian philological association, Croatian association for applied linguistics, International phonetic association, International society for phonetics, Commission for phonetics and phonology of Slavic languages). He was the president of the Croatian association for applied linguistics (1987-1989), president of the Phonetic section of the Croatian philological association (1994-2002), editor in chief of the journals Strani jezici (1992-1994) and Govor (2003-2011).
In 2009. he was rewarded by the Charter of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciencies and in 2016. he got the annual reward of the Faculty for scientific book.