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Office hours: Winter Semester: Mon 14-15:30
Summer Semester: Thu 14-15:30
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Marko Liker is an associate professor at the Department of Phonetics. He earned his doctoral degree in 2009 by defending the PhD thesis on the use of electropalatography (EPG) in the analysis of Croatian sounds. He has been working at the Department of Phonetics since 2001, teaching at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. He also taught phonetics at the Undergraduate Study of Speech and Language Pathology at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. His research interests are in the fields of articulatory and coarticulatory processes, biomechanical and language-specific aspects of speech production and in the application of instrumental techniques at the phonetics-phonology interface, in sociophonetics and in clinical phonetics. In 2005 he was on scholarship at Queen Margaret University College in Edinburgh and from 2008 until 2009 he worked as a Marie Curie short-term fellow at Edinburgh University and Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh. For his work Marko received several awards. Apart from publishing research papers in peer-reviewed journals, he published a book Articulatory phonetics: anatomy and physiology of speech in co-authorship with Damir Horga.