Office: B 318
Phone: 4092 092
Office hours: Mon 13-14, and via e-mail
Gabrijela Kišiček, PhD is an Assiociate Professor at the Department of Phonetics. She was born in 1977 in Varaždin where she finished elementary and high school. In 2004 she graduated at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Department of Phonetics and Department of Slavic languages and literature. The same year she started her postgraduate studies in linguistics. From 2008 she works at the Department of Phonetics, first as a Research assistant, then Senior research assistant and in 2018 she becomes an Assistant professor. In 2008 she defended the qualification thesis Comparison between female and male rhetoric under the supervision of professor emeritus Ivo Škarić. In 2012 she defended doctoral thesis Forensic profiling and speaker identification of Croatia urban varieties.
During the years Gabrijela Kišiček participated at several courses at the Department of Phonetics: Orthoepy of Croatian language, Nonverbal communication, Rhetoric, Argumentation, History of Rhetoric, Rhetoric for teachers but also at different faculties at the University: Culture of public speaking at the Faculty of Kinesiology, Communication skills at the Faculty of Agriculture, Communication skills for teachers at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Currently she teaches Argumentation and History of Rhetoric at the graduate studies of Rhetoric, Workshop for doctoral students at the Postgraduate studies of Croatian culture at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rhetoric at the Catholic faculty of Theology in Đakovo, Communication skills at the Faculty of Agriculture.
Gabrijela Kišiček cooperates with London School of Public relations where she teaches courses: Rhetoric and Society, Media relations and Internal communication.
She participated on numerous international conferences on Argumentation, Rhetoric, Public Speaking (more than 30) and she published more than 30 papers relating to the same topic in domestic and international journals and books. She supervised more than 20 Master’s thesis. She is a co-author of the book Rhetoric and Society and author of the book Rhetoric and Politics. She is a member of Scientific panel of biannual European Conference on Argumentation and member of Board of Directors of Association for Informal Logic and Critical Thinking. She is, also a member of Rhetoric Society of Europe and a member of Editorial Board of Windsor Study in Argumentation publications.
In 2013. she was an invited speaker on the Summer Institute on Argumentation at the University of Windsor in Canada.
Gabrijela Kišiček was a president of Organization committee of the 1st International conference on Rhetoric: Days of Ivo Škarić in Croatia. From 2012 until 2016 she was a president of Phonetic section of Croatian Philological Association.
Besides courses at the University, Gabrijela Kišiček participated as an instructor and lecturer on many different workshops for wide variety of professionals cooperating with many institutions: public speaking workshops for teachers (in cooperation with an Agency for education), trainings for military members (Ministry of defense of Republic of Croatia), workshops for translators (Croatian association for translators), lectures for medical doctors in politics (Academy for politics and medicine), lecture for public relations experts (Croatian Association for Public Relations) etc.
She was project leader of Rhetorical skills of University lecturers (project sponsored by University of Zagreb) and she is currently Management committee member and a Training School coordinator on the international COST project: APPLY: European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis.
Gabrijela Kišiček collaborates with commercial television Nova TV where she works as a commentator and speech coach.