Assoc. Prof. Elenmari Pletikos Olof

Dr. sc. Elenmari Pletikos Olof

Office: B 318-a
Phone: 4092 296
Office hours: Tuesdays 12:30 - 13:30. Prior arrangement by e-mail is required.


Elenmari Pletikos Olof, Ph.D is an associate professor at the Department of Phonetics.

She was born 1974 in Pula, where she attended primary school and grammar school. She got her MA in Phonetics and German Language and Literature in 1999 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb with the thesis “Distinguishing of palatal sounds č and ć in Croatian speech”. At the same faculty she got her PhD in Phonetics in 2008 with the Thesis „Acoustic description of word prosody in Croatian“. During her MA and PhD studies she got a few grants for study abroad: in 1995/96 the Austrian grant CEEPUS A-5 for one semester study of German Language and Literature at University of Salzburg, in 2002/03 the German Research and Study Grant DAAD for two semesters at the Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS) at University of Stuttgart, and in 2007/08 the JFDP – Junior Faculty Development Program, one semester program for university instructors in the field of Linguistics at University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA.

From 2000 to 2009 she worked as Instructor and Junior Researcher and from 2009 until present she is Assistant Professor at the Department of Phonetics at Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Zagreb. She teaches courses in phonetics and rhetoric: General Phonetics, Psychoacoustics and Rhetoric genres. She worked for three years at Croatian Television as phonetician in the Service for language and speech with journalists and TV anchors. As a lecturer she worked at the School of Rhetoric Ivo Škarić, teaching rhetoric to high school students at about 20 seminars.

For scientific research she participated in three projects funded by Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports where principal investigator was Ivo Škarić: Croatian standard word prosody (1996-2002), Research into Croatian received pronunciation (2002-2005) and Free and Conditioned Pronunciation Changes of the Linguistic Elements in General (2007-2009). She participated in three international projects: GraLis, Differences between Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian language and speech (2007-2009), Croatian and Slovenian language contact (2005-2009), and Challenges of applying new teaching techniques in South East European Universities (2008-2009). She has actively participated at various domestic and international conferences and she has published, individually or in collaboration with other authors, over 30 papers in domestic and international proceedings and journals.

She is a member of Croatian Philological Association, Croatian Applied Linguistics Society, Croatian Reading Association and a member of the editorial board in Journal for phonetics Govor/Speech.